Tag Archives: quilt shops


Back home for a bit-Phew!!!

Summer was supposed to be down time for reorganizing and designing-didn’t turn out that way though I did get a few finished. I toured the province from Ottawa to Hamilton to Owen Sound and re-connected with some old friends plus got to meet lots of new ones. The fall schedule is pretty full now and […]

Good Apron

“Valley Views”-The Farm

“Farmers Feed Cities”, “Farmers’ roots are deep”….some of the sayings about some of our most important citizens! Schools, churches and bridges are part of the foundation of the valley but without farmers none of them would be here. Farming was the reason many settlers came to the area-even though many of our fields only grew […]


“Valley Views”-The Bridges

We have lots of bridges in the Ottawa Valley! With so many rivers and streams to cross, it’s hard to imagine early travel in the area. Even now, we still have to sometimes take round about routes to get where we’re going-but oh the interesting places we sometimes discover. While there are many interesting and […]