Archive / Crayon Embroidery BOM

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Crayon and Embroidery, Hook Line and Sinker Block 2

It’s done! And it’s beautiful! I am really happy with how this one turned out and can’t wait to start Block 3. So here is the benefit of my experience with this gorgeous block: READ THE DIRECTIONS-once again I got carried away and dove right in. When will I ever learn? When tracing the design […]

Hook Line and Sinker, Gingerbread Square DMC Thread

Hook Line and Sinker Block 1 DMC Equivalency chart Hook Line and Sinker Month 1 Cosmo                  DMC 224                         902 367                         647 405                         720 426                         632 575                         782 633                         469 705a                       780 715                         3790 891                         647 895                         844 2241                       498 2702                       783 8055                       747/807/3765   Gingerbread Square (Months 1 and 2 use the same chart) […]

Crayon and Embroidery BOM Month 1

Thought I might use this spot to highlight a fun Block of the Month I am teaching at The Quilting Quarters. I will update it each month with tips and pictures-promise! We’re working on Crabapple Hill’s Hook Line and Sinker and Gingerbread Square. I am cheating on the Gingerbread Square quilt as a fellow quilter […]