Hook Line and Sinker Block 3
What a fun block! Gorgeous too! I’m still going with a “local” theme for my place names so this time I used Calabogie Lake.
Notes on Block 3:
When tracing the word lettering take care to think ahead to stitch size for the tails on the letters. They look really nice when the tail is only a single stitch.
Instead of only coloring with the white crayon where I thought I might color, I just covered the entire block. Less thinking and I had a base to color over anywhere I wanted! (It took more than one white crayon to do the job though, but I have lots of them to use).
It was hard to tell what the instructions meant about lightly shading in blue around the 3D letters, and my pattern picture didn’t really help. I like how mine turned out and would like to see everyone else’s ideas. Can you see the blue around the lettering?
There are corrections posted on the Crabapple site for this block, but they were fixed in my copy. For information sake, these are the corrections:
The chevrons on the canoe are outlined in Cosmo 2241 (I used DMC 304), the 3D letters are outlined in Cosmo 895 (I used DMC 844) and the background for the 3D letters is done with Cosmo 2241 (I used DMC 304).
Here is my conversion chart for Cosmo to DMC for the block:
Cosmo DMC
895 844
924 3012 (371 me)
426 632
633 469
2241 304
386 839 (new)
706 3829 (new) I used 783
635A 936 (new) I used 319
894 645 (new) I used 1050
Happy colouring!
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