New month, New news…
It’s been one month since I started on this grand adventure and what a ride it has been! The website is slowly getting to what I had hoped it would look like, I have a FB page and am starting to see activity on my pattern and workshops. Almonte Print Shop has been amazing in helping get the printing side of things organized and The Quilting Quarters has been my biggest booster. Now to just keep everything up to date.
September was busy-I submitted a design to Northcott Fabrics and they liked it, a lot. They are launching a new fabric line at Market in October and I designed THREE patterns to help promote it. They were incredibly supportive as I learned the ins and outs of designing quilts electronically-hopefully the finished product will look as good as the digital concept. Once I actually make them in fabric I will post them.
I have a week to make the three samples, so it’s off to the sewing room….